Sunday, May 9, 2010

dear mom

it's mom's day, and i would like to say a few things about my dear mother. mom... you are patient, and i appreciate that greatly. i know i say that our family was raised on television, and though tv did teach me some very valuable life lessons... you taught me respect, diligence, kindness, and to be grateful for what i have been given. i have always felt loved--and i have never been neglected. you sat through the endlessly long dance competitions every single time, even if it was to only see me dance a few times... and watching all the other train wrecks on stage. never once did you complain or regret being there for me. i appreciate all the opportunities i have been given through you and dad, all the trips that were funded by you and fought for by you. thank you for the fundraisers you went to in my place because i was off doing some other lesson or competition. (i know the grease burns from grilling hamburgers at BYU halftimes will be with you forever, so really.. thanks) thank you for always encouraging me to continue my education, it was never a question whether i was going to go to college or not, because i saw my mother strive for an education and a career of her own. thank you for all the glasses of water you have gotten for me, and all of the meals you have cooked. thank you for cleaning my room and folding all my clothes because i dont believe in folding. mostly i am just thankful for you and the example you have always been to me and our entire family. love you mom, go to nordstrom and buy some good jeans.

1 comment:

  1. This just reminds me of hearing you call her Carla/Karla/Car-luh at Wal-Mart. :)
