Wednesday, April 15, 2009

starting out anew

So I have decided to go at this blogging thing alone. I had a blog with my friend allison, and its fantastic.. but i think i might be ready to go solo. Basically all that is on my mind is the fact that it snowed today... probably ten inches. I dont know, i cant really think too much about it. The only thing i cant comprehend is how i had an amazing time this past EASTER sunday sidewalk chalking in amazing weather, short sleeved shirt and all... and today it has been blizzarding non-stop... and i was wearing a winter coat, gloves, scarf and heavy duty boots.

Here are a few photos... hopefully they will cheer you and I both up a little. At least until mother nature decides to be kind again.


  1. maybe we can sidewalk chalk again sometime once mother nature decides to stop being on her period.

    ps. i am soooo excited to stalk this blog. you better post every day.

  2. hey. you. guess what? blog time? YEEEEAH dog! totally loving it. you're a class act. keep it real.

  3. ps the word verification was just alimofu. whaaa?

  4. ALI!!! I had no idea you even had one of these!
    Add me to the people you know!

  5. Haha Cool! I am definitely going to add this one to my blog list! :)

  6. You two look like you're coming back from a funeral and are extremely excited about doing so.
