Saturday, July 17, 2010

jb justin bieber

so for the past four months warner has had his little sister emma on a point system. she would earn points given out by him by doing anything from taking his shoes off to cleaning her room. for a while there was no prize to be awarded, and emma just earned points on pure faith--i think that says a lot about her. BUT when she hit her first fifty she was awarded a poster of the beloved Justin Bieber. boy oh boy did she love that.
the bar had been set high for her next fifty point prize. but good old warner did not disappoint. after weeks of hard work earning points she was awarded with a ticket to the justin bieber concert! warner, emma, louisa and i all went and enjoyed his musical stylings. dont worry, we also made shirts.

1 comment:

  1. whatever i didn't get points for good behavior. do you know what i got? strikes. allison used to give me strikes, for bad behavior
