you know what i hate? smelling like food. i hate when my clothes smell like bacon. also when my towels somehow smell like the hamburger that was cooked the night before because the laundry room is near the kitchen. it is really not pleasant to smell that kind of thing in the morning post shower. actually its awful.
shopping makes me happy, like really it does. i know that people say its fake happiness to replace other feelings or whatever, blah, blah, blah. i looooove it. i know you all do too. there is something about the way a new cardigan smells, and the look of a perfectly clean shoe. nothing can replace it.
i am growing a bamboo plant in my room, and i am really proud of it. it is still living, after about a year. congratulations to me. the next step is a real plant that actually needs attention.
wellllll im going to vegas tonight, wish me luck. dont miss me too much while im gone, if you do just watch that video of me jerkin and remember that you dont really miss me doing that constantly, and you will be fine.
how about that bonsai tree how's that doing? just kidding i know exactly how its doing.