today was 9/9/9 that was awesome... just to start the post off right
secondly, i went to the blink 182/taking back sunday concert on monday. that was also one of the greater times i have had this month.
i want to go organic... i think now is the time to do that. so... im going to, most likely, if i can handle it.
6 am is still not treating me right.
a lady i talked to at work the other day told me there is a cure for cancer in austria, all natural mind you, so that's good. she also said that because the authors of the book about the cure was written by individuals with the last names of Church, Dwight, and Princeton, it was a divine message from God telling her it was right. in her words "well Church, i mean obviously CHURCH, then Dwight, that sounds like LIGHT, and Princeton... PRINCE" I think she is really on to something......
i got told from another lady at work on the same day said i sound just like i should at the ripe age of twenty. perfect.
boots. i need a pair of boots, its getting to be that time.
karla made cake, why does she do this to me? like i am really going to make myself a healthy breakfast when i could easily just take a slice of cake? today... i chose the cake.
do people really read the newspaper besides my father? i wish i read the newspaper. who wants to be in a newspaper reading club with me? it will be like a book club, but with current events. sounds fascinating, to me.
i hope you have enjoyed my nonessential slurs today. more to come, some...time.